Yes .It's a year gone by.I and you have been in degree college for a year now.
Ya . you also know that .But hasn't this been the best year of your life?
I don't know about you.But yes this was the best year in my life.I have changed a lot over the course of this year and the change has been for the BETTER and I know that.
First day of college was not at all a tense day 4 me ,unlike others I had friends in my college darryl (one of my closest friends at that time ,now my best friend) and Abhijeet also who was in junior college with me.
So i never had 2 try 2 search for friends .It was easier for me to interact and make new friends coz i had at least 1 partner with me and making friends is easier if u already have a friend with you.
The first person I spoke to in college was Milind, i met him at the time of admission and frankly speaking i was a bit scared when i met him coz he looked like a nerd with his thick glass spectacles ,and i thought i was in for a ride with nerds and that to for 4 years. huhhhh.
Then comes the first day of college.We had the Orientation in the SP Jain Auditorium.There again I met more school friends and was even more at ease now coz i told myself that "YOU ARE NOT ALONE".
After the orientation we were taken to a trip to the college with our guide Prof Sheetal(Our CP-2 prax teacher) who took us 4 a nice round where she was lost even more than us.It was as if she was seeing the coll 4 the first time.Then the ever so popular VJ comes to our rescue and tells us 2 forget whatever that madam told us.He actually thought we understood what she said that he told us 2 forget. LoL.
The trip was actually of no use coz it took all of us at least 3-4 days 2 get the coll map well known.I used 2 get lost quite a few times during the first month but somehow i used to land in class.
Now comes a very interesting part of our coll life our funny and knowledgeable teachers.LoL.
Prof Deven Shah was the only faculty member who impressed me on our first look at the faculty of IT.
I still remember the IT faculty in charge (i dnt remember her long name) telling us that our Computer Programming was IN THE SAFE HANDS OF RUPALI MADAM.And how true could she be.She completed our CP I portion when Arvind Dhar started.LoL.
The comes RD mam with her wonderful speech ablities and marvelous expressions that show surprise when we dont answer her questions.The best part is she still might be thinking we understood every word she spoke LoL. From the first lecture itself she started "ZED DIRECCHUN' which is passe now coz her latest invention was ZHIG ZHAG.But i respect that lady she kept us SLEEPING with OUR EYES WIDE OPEN.Jokes Apart .She loved her physics but we didnt .Not her fault and she was 100 times better than the person i am going to speak next about.
The great professor who hailed 4m Bhavans whom we hardly saw throughout the year.If he were a student he would have given Santosh a complex over his attendance.His speech seemed a new language to me; talking as if bees were stuck in his mouth.But the best part about him was he let us do what we were doing .So chalta hai.
Then we have our ever so popular HBV who acc 2 me should be teaching in "How to speak English "institutes as he is the most confident person speaking English even though he doesnt know and I have ever met a person with such innovative phrases.My favourite has to be "Rough It".But teaching-wise I would rate him higher than all teachers except Nida maam and may be Arvind Dhar Lol ROFL hahahahaha.
Now come the professor who I was the favourite student of.He is one of the most casual persons i have met .He never knew anything in the subject yet he taught us even without reading the book before.But this guy would have been a better preacher and I loved the debates he had in our class.He is an example of what recession can do to engineers.
Sangeeta madam another weirdo 4m SPIT Idont know how these ppl become teachers .Or who the hell interviews these ppl .Not only Sangeeta mam but many of our profs .I seriously respect their attempts to teach us .But how could u teach when u urself are so scared of the class.
Now Girish's favourite Thackeray maam.It is the other way round as well .She said "Yeh(girish) toh apna hi aadmi hai". Ya "you got the answer na right right " Ok now milind will also have to post comments on being the student she hated .
A special mention about the funny DMP who threatened to lock us in our class.LoL.I can't believe he thought we would actually get scared.This fool threatened me that he would put a red mark on my certificate from college if i played cards in the class again.
Then we have our Chemistry maam who was pregnant and called Kapil a south Indian hero and also landed teaching us only WATER the whole first sem.The funniest part she was a doctor by degree that means she was a PhD.No good or even bad points about her.
RUPALI-if u allow me 2 speak about her i would speak all day.But i criticized her enough whole year.but let me leave it here that i didnt like her teaching style at all.may be she needs 2 see hoe other ppl teach and then teach us.
Now my views of the best teachers
MN-Her teaching was very impressive in the first sem and even in the second sem it was good although she taught very fast may be bcoz the syllabus demanded.But I didnt like when she used 2 get angry with the class 4 small reasons.But thumbs up 2 her 4 being good 2 us whenever she was.
VJ-may be the most friendly teacher in FE .This guy was the worst sob master though.He'd keep trying his sad jokes even though no 1 laughed.But as a prof I have a lot of respect 4 him coz he put in the best 4m his side 2 make the boring subj interesting .Also put in his best efforts 2 prepare notes 4 us.So both thumbs up to him.
My favourite teacher of the First Year and I pray she teaches us in the next 2 years as well.NIDA MA'AM iI guess she was the best teacher teaching wise and also very helpful when we never understood certain things.May be we know her more coz she came 4 the IV.She simply rocks and is damn FUN LOVING.I remember she danced with the FE's first on that DJ nite.And 4 ppl who dnt know she is the BEST DUMB CHARADES PLAYER and even ANTAKSHARI player I have seen.She is very sporting and she also made good fun of PINCHA .My thumbs up to her and even a salute 4 been such a good TEACHER(She is a teacher in the true sense of the word).
I guess thats it about our teachers but I will speak next of something closer 2 me than this topic