But the human nature always tends to be closer to things it has a history with and something that provides it with ‘support’ in times of need and ‘presence’ at times of joy.
For me, a student pursuing I.T. Engineering, my journey with my laptop commenced in the month of December, 2009. Whenever a thought of buying a laptop came to my mind, I couldn’t think beyond Dell and for the same reason I purchased Dell Inspiron 1545, the same model my brother owned since May, that same year.

The purchase of my laptop gave birth to new brothers of the model Inspiron 1545 in our family, his Icy Blue and mine Matt Black. I have 2 brothers: the elder studied in the prestigious BITS Pilani, Rajasthan from June 2006 to 2010 and this reduced the number of members in my house for that period. But things got worse for me when even my younger brother left for Tolani to pursue Marine Engineering in July 2009. Suddenly, my life had changed and from 2 brothers, I was left alone at home very often as dad works and when I return from college mom would have her work outside.

I was left with a void and this changed me as a person. This period changed my routine and changed my habits. This is the time I got attached to my laptop. It entered my house as an aid to my studies. But for me, it came in to the fill the void.
I have got so attached to it that it became a part of my personality. It experiences all my mood swings, plays wonderful music for me when I’m low, shows me pictures of brothers and friends whenever I miss them. Also stores my personal diary. Nothing more I could ask from a single gadget.
Dell now says change is easy. Well for me the only change that would be easy is the one they are offering now. I wouldn’t ever change my laptop but would never mind changing its lid. If change was easy for me I wouldn’t go for the same laptop as my brother. And this was against recommendations of my friends because no one would generally have two laptops which are exactly the same. And I know with the reliability it offers, my laptop will be my constant.
And again i would say change is not easy. Life from to brothers to life with a laptop wasn't an easy transition. So Dell is right only with respect to its change.
Now I come back to what I started with. What is constant in my life? Well for the past 1 year 7 months the only constant in my life has been my laptop and this is what I seek when I need support. I always knew it is something that truly belongs to me and is close to my heart, whoever left or whoever stayed. From the chats with my friends to the music I listen to, from the study material I need to the movies I watch, from the games I play to the magazine I co-edited and designed, from my past to my present, my laptop is my personality. My laptop is me

On a lighter note I would like to say that I am sure that my laptop is not a girl. Else by now I would have had 100s of sounds and millions of problems and the smile on my face wouldn’t have been as wide it is now. And I know its blushing as I write all this but dear laptop control your emotions.
(This post is written for the contest 'Change is Easy' hosted by Dell Inspiron Laptop with customizable covers on Indibloggers. But my main reason for posting this is in memory of the brother of my laptop which got robbed in the US from my brother’s apartment on 29th June. So now its not only me but also my laptops that’s alone. I know this is a very childish attempt to blog but Thank you for helping me bring the child within me out. )