The lecture was as boring as ever
And seemed I had been sitting there forever
Then I decided to divert my mind
Because Azim Khan is one of a kind.
Then comes Mr. Daljeet to the board
And starts explaining to Khan the code
Then miss Ekta said that it was wrong
And started explaining things boring & long.
Suddenly Darryl remembered about his bike
Looking at the mirror his hair to spike
He had forgotten to remove his keys
To do some timepass even Bhavin flees.
Then comes Pincha to show his skill
But the lecture is so boring still.
Then comes Tanmay to rotate some bits
Because Khan has got his usual fits.
Now Khan starts dictating a question
Transfer data from register to memory location
Then he comes to check our books
Returning back with his funny looks.
Now on the wall Khan tests his chalk
And says ‘Abhilasha please don’t talk’
Now its the end of the lectures time
And so its the end of this poem of mine.
P.S- Actual scenes of the lecture described here.
And thank u nikita for making me realise that this was actually worth putting up