Monday, March 15, 2010

The First Temptation

From childhood I have always wondered: “Why did God restrict Adam and Eve from eating from that particular fruit tree?”
He created the entire universe for them and allowed them to use it however they wanted to .So what would stop him from giving that one tree to them. I am pretty sure he didn’t need that tree for himself. So Why? Why would he do such a thing? While people blamed Adam and Eve for disobeying God I used to somewhere believe he was at fault because he tried to test them. There are things God does which are hard to understand but I found this the hardest to understand.
I got the answer to this question of mine a few days back.
Just before my exams I ask my dad if I could take the unlimited download and he said yes and told me we shud have taken unlimited earlier itself.I know i am one of a lucky few whose dad is so cooperating when it comes to such issues. So we got the unlimited net. Then a few days later i told my dad that the computer isn’t working properly again.And he was pushing me to buy a laptop since long now.But i used 2 delay it because I knew then my desktop would go to waste. But I also was fed up of repairing my pc by myself all the time.Installing windows every 10 days and also keeping the cpu box open all the time with the risk of getting a shock. So i told my dad lets buy the laptop.The next day he goes 2 work and sets the necessary quotations on the dell site and mails me 2 see if i have a problem.I checked it made the necessary changes and mailed it back to him.And guess what he orders the laptop the same day.And he also made the dd to be sent to Chennai the next day.So my exams going on and i am going 2 get a new high end laptop and i already have unlimited net which i wasn’t being able to utilize bcoz of my faulty desktop. So i knew now once my laptop comes i am bound 2 be stuck 2 it.As ppl having unlimited download might know the first month u download the most bcoz u have had so many things in ur head 2 download but the restriction had stopped u earlier.
Now the analogy to my earlier question. Why did god have 2 test adam and eve? In my case my dad didn’t test my capabilities of studying with these temptations knowingly. But i knew it was a test for myself. If i wouldn’t have had that challenge of studying and yet enjoying my new temptations the success in my exams wouldn’t have been so enjoyable. I had got 68 % each in my first two semesters without any temptation. But in the third one i got 73% despite enjoying each and every day of the exam on my laptop with unlimited download.No doubt I felt I studied less.But I realise now that i might have studied more but because i enjoyed the laptop so much i thought i had studied less.Portion wise yes i studied less.But in engg i don’t believe completing the portion ensures good marks,but studying the whatever little you have studied properly that ensures good marks. And please note i said ensures good marks doesn’t make u a good engineer.
My dad never told me directly don’t over use the laptop.Thats why i never had any guilt in mind while using it.Yet at the same time God had asked adam and eve not to eat the fruit of that tree. So they wanted to see what is so great in the fruit of that tree.If my dad would have told me not to use the laptop i would have definitely not followed what he said after a period of time. That is simply human nature.If we are asked not to do something deep inside we want to do that thing even though we might not do it on majority of the occasions .
So the answer to the question:”Why did God have to test Adam and Eve?” What is life without temptations and hardships. The joy of overcoming a temptation is much more than the joy of enjoying everything you ever have. Although the adam and eve story may not be real but it has really a deep meaning regarding human behaviour...

Thank you for reading .May be u might have also asked the question I asked. Hope I have been able to satisfy at least a few with my answer.


  1. ah... its amazing tht u got ur answer from ur day to day life...
    I too hv experienced such a feeling n coincidently for d same scenario tht Why did god have 2 test adam and eve?
    we all hv answers to many questions consciously or subconsciously building up... bt very few tend to find it out... I'm happy n proud tht u did it... :)

  2. amazin how u think so deeply.. dis wud hav never come to my mind.. ur a real writer yaar.. it shows,, :)
