Friday, July 23, 2010

Why I am what I am?

I owe a lot of things to many people. But I owe the most to my parents, like almost everyone does. I am a product of what they have made me and what their teachings have taught me. My value system is the biggest gift they have given me and I will always be indebted to them for that. I am not a expressive person by nature but I am truly emotional and when I love someone it is with my full heart. I have never told my parents how much I love them. But I know they know. Their faith in me gives me confidence to do what I do and make decisions very quickly knowing I have support standing right behind my back. This is also because I am more or less sorted about my priorities in life and it is them who have made me set those priorities right.
I know that every human being has a right to freewill. But I don’t expect children to get as much freewill as much my parents give me. They know I won’t do anything wrong and that makes me what I am. Honestly speaking I don’t think I have ever done anything that they would be ashamed of or would put them down, from the time they have given me the independence they have given me.
The most important thing about being a parent for me is to know when to let your child free. Up to a certain age you feed your child all you have learnt from life and instill in him all the values that can be taught then at a certain point you have to just let go and have faith that the value system you have given your child. Then it is for the child to use the lessons learnt to learn more about life. This according to me is the true test of parenthood and I think my parents haven’t just passed but achieved close to perfection when it has come to dealing with me. The result is they never question me what I do in college, what I do at home when I am all alone, where I have spend the money they gave me or even what are my marks in the tests .But they do tell me to eat all the time but that I guess is because I am thin and weak according to them.
The consequences of not letting your child go are something I haven’t experienced but many of my friends have. And the results are not good at all. Once a child knows that he is always going to be questioned about the decisions he has taken he starts hiding things from his parents and this distances the parents from the child. They start doing thing out of frustration which they would never want to do and even their parents wouldn’t want them to. Then finally if parents do come to know what their children have done, they are shocked because they don’t expect their children to do such things and feel that they have always known what their children have being doing.
It’s not that I don’t hide things from my parents. But I don’t think I have done anything which would surprise them or something because I don’t interact much with my parents.
I am not a parent myself. So all these thoughts are only my views and parents who don’t agree to them may have their own way of dealing with things which may be perfect for them because perfection according to me cannot be achieved when it comes to parenting because we all are humans and have our own ways of achieving perfection . So the path to perfection may be different but excellence should be encountered somewhere along the path :) :)
Thank you mummy and daddy and also my elder brother and grandmother for making me what I am


  1. :) truly I believe in whtever u hv written... each word... n yes... Im proud of ur parents coz I can see a human in u...
    The population in this world espl. in India is increasing day by day... bt yet I find very few humans... one of them is "U" :)
    thanx to ur parents... :) :) :)

  2. i cant believe u think so deeply its really great.. n ur really lucky to have such great n awsum parents..

  3. i agree with you on quite a no of things :) same thoughts on most occasions :P
    i'll just add one more thing to it, which is this - i feel that every parent should be aware of ones self, his strengths and weaknesses. the things that one does right and the not so right ones. and only then should one impart knowledge to his young ones, accordingly

