Sunday, July 3, 2022

Gratitude , Thanks, ...

For many of us, I think, as much as we would want to be grateful or show how grateful we are  to our parents, we always fall short. We fall short to express how grateful we are. Even if we express how grateful we are, we end up feeling that we could have said or done more. As I write this, I feel the same. I dont know how can I tell my parents how grateful I am for whatever they have done. How grateful I am to them for making me, ME. The ME i am happy to be and the ME they made me. 

As much as we think we have done whatever we have to be what we are, parents play a very important role in what we have become. From the good habits we pick up from them, to certain traits we would rather prefer not having. We often think we have a choice to become a certain way, and that is true to a great extent. But given the natural tendencies of a human, we do not even know what all aspects of personality we inherit. Unless something is strikingly visible (or problematic), it stays and possibly passes on.

If I try to list down the things that I can thank my parents or be grateful for, it would do injustice to the things that I did not even realize they did for me.  Yet, if I do not let them know I am grateful for the things they have done, I will feel that I lacked as a son. So I want to try and start penning these down and as and when I realize more things I will list them down. To be honest, I type this post in fear that I would be too late in telling them how much I value them. They possibly know and because we are a family that doesn't express emotions as much, there are unsaid things that we realize. But if I can try to put down what I feel, I think I should. 

The aspect of parenthood that my parents aced, in my opinion, was they disciplined us enough in the formation phases of our childhood, and they gradually released control, trusting their upbringing. I dont know if they did this intentionally, but in hindsight I think this make our lives easier and we ended up being more responsible individuals. And I speak for my brothers as well, I would say. They were reasonably strict in our school days, with normal parents duties, like don't do this or don't do that. And focus on this and try to do that. Behave well, respect elders, pray well, go to church, study well, help others, dont cheat, etc etc.

 They instilled in us the fear of God and the importance of God and the values of Christianity. Not just Sunday mass attenders, but to be part of a community and be a part of zonal/church activities as much as we can. They lead by example and seeing the impact they had, it made me pick up roles in the church of responsibility. The years I was in the Youth group, truly shaped my personality and they were always supportive and encouraging. Religion for many is a debatable aspect of life. But, if religion enables you to do good for people around your and for yourself, then its a good thing for sure. And, I have my doubts about God, but if believing in the existence of God makes you do good, we should believe and do all we can

............. lot more to write, will continue in the next post, else I keep finding the right words and keep delaying

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